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OK bye...

Always moving...

Making progress...



Looking For Empathy

Cameltown (De Studio)

I created the titles and credits design for the documentary ‘Looking For Empathy’ by Chokri Ben Chikha & Jan Beddegenoodts (artist in residence at De Studio).
I worked together with Jan Beddegenoodts during the edit and conceptualized together with the filmmaker how to implement the chapters and titles in the film.

Director Chokri Ben Chikha traveled earlier this year to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories in preparation for his theater piece Perzen. Triomf van Empathie (Persians. Triumph of Empathy) together with film maker Jan Beddegenoodts. Beddegenoodts and Ben Chikha created a film documenting this journey. In times like these, can one feel empathy for one’s enemy? And who exhibits arrogance? Netanyahu? Hamas? Or the creators themselves?

The video at the top of the page is a low quality preview of the movie for personal use only

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